Kabbalah, Quantum physics and New Biology
Kabbalah, Quantum physics and New Biology
Date: 27-28 August 2018
Location: Hawkwood College, Stroud, England
Tutor: Mike Bais
About this workshop
During the past few decades there has been a growing interest in drawing together the principles of spiritual traditions with the material sciences.
Many scientists have concluded, through their research and experiences that the boundaries defining matter are not as stable and fixed as previously thought, consequently old theories are being re-examined in the light of new discoveries.
The new biology and Quantum physics are such revolutionary developments. They shed a different light on what we think of as matter, DNA, other hereditary factors, and the place of consciousness in this whole scheme.
The task of connecting these new explorations with the metaphysics of the Tree of Life and Jacob’s Ladder is a fascinating and exciting Kabbalistic adventure.
I have written about this research in an article in Harvest of the Tree of Life (a collection of writings honoring Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi and his teaching over 30 years in the Netherlands) and also use it in my teaching in Holland.
COURSE DETAILS of Hawkwood College
- Hawkwood College: Painswick Old Road, Stroud, GL6, 7QW, UK
Course title: Kabbalah, Quantum Physics and the New Biology
Course number: 18-350
Starting date: Monday, August 27, 2018
Registration time: 16:00 h
First Meal: supper (or not)
Day courses – Morning start time 9.30am unless otherwise indicated
Weekends – Evening registration is followed by supper together at 6.30pm, course begins after supper. - Finish date: Tuesday, August 28, 2018
Finish time: 16:00:00 h
Last Meal: lunch / aft tea
Residential participants may have to vacate rooms by 9:30 am on day of departure.
Course fee for participants:
Residents (single) – £135.00 – supper B&B + lunch and refreshments
Residents (shared) – £115.00 – supper B&B + lunch and refreshments
Non – residents – £70.00 – arrival 7.30pm Mon, no supper, lunch & refresh
For more information about booking the course, please contact Hawkwood (www.hawkwoodcollege.co.uk)